Thursday, March 1, 2012

Questions to Consider about Document Management

Do you work in an industry that relies heavily on paper documents? If so, you probably already have realized what a pain it is to organize, maintain and retrieve information from documents as they seem to accumulate over the years.
Here are a few more questions to consider:
How much space does your business’ paper documents occupy?
How much time does it take to retrieve information from documents in your files?
Is the presence of so many documents and the inability to access them all easily wearing away at your company’s productivity.
Is your industry being federally mandated to digitize their paper documents?
If you have several departments within your company, have you found it difficult to share information between departments in a timely manner?
How confident are you that the documents that are being accessed are not being misused, because of the incapability to be able to inspect what documents they access?
How long does it take for your knowledge workers to be able to access information for any given customer or client?
How secure are you in the continuity of your business if disaster strikes?
Are there employees in your company who need to access documents outside of normal business hours?
Have you archived information that needs to be stored for years but takes up space?

From preparing and scanning your documents to electronically organizing them on our Cloud service- eCharta, Digital Convergence Partners Inc. provides a full suite of document management services for whatever your company’s needs may be. We work to accommodate the methods that your company has already implemented and are using in order that we can make the retrieval of your documents on our cloud system as easy as possible. Our document indexing program will place your documents in folders that your company is accustomed to so that your employees will always know where they will be so that they may easily access them.  We will create a workspace for you that can be virtually paper free if need be.
By using our Cloud solution your employees will be able to quickly access any document scanned which will increase employee productivity by clearing out the unnecessary menial tasks that your knowledge workers must accomplish daily. Also, they will be able to easily share information with other departments via eCharta because the documents are being stored in a centrally secured domain. With eCharta your employees will always be able to access the documents they need 24/7 whether they are at work, home or on a business trip.
eCharta also provides a complete auditing system that will track each and every document accessed; tracking the time, day and person who viewed the document. Also if any type of disaster may strike, eCharta provides the invaluable service in that your documents always remain secure even if the physical copies may have been lost.
If your industry has been mandated to retain any documentation for a given time period eCharta can store all of your archived documents that usually just take up space in storage areas or closets. So that the extra time used to find the document could be productively focused on whatever the task at hand may be. Digital Convergence Partners Inc. can partner with you in order to provide the assistance needed to free you from the concerns of your document management needs.

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